Curved with Cantalevers

Curved stone wall with cantalever steps

These steps were actually an after thought for better access to the gardens for maintainence. They make a great place to sit and take a break as you can see.

As you can see there was not a lot of work space on the upper level but we made do. My brother Lucas worked with me on this project. He is a great guy to work with and he knows what he's doing too.

There are two retaining walls, floating steps in both walls while following an inside curve. Another set of traditional steps you can see at the top of the photo. It all has to tie in together. I truly injoy the complexity of projects like this!

You'll notice the opening at the top of each wall to step off the last floating tread. The reason for this is if I put one more step out of the wall that close to the top there would not be enough weight on top of it.

They are very comfortable to use.
